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 I invite you to this free 20 minute discovery session (no pressure or obligation to book any session) to make sure I'm the right fit for you, get to know you better and to assess what type of session might benefit you most. I look forward to joining you on your journey to vibrant health.



Naturopathy/Nutrition Session

See below

séance RTT image.jpg

 Hypnosis/Somatic Session

See below




See Below

Naturopathy/Nutrition Session


Session N° 1
A dedicated Health History Session. We explore all of your health issues, your medical history, your family history and a full lifestyle assessment. We will also review your labs to identify areas that may be out of functional range (different from pathological ranges). 


Session N°2
A  counseling session where an individualized nutritional plan, lifestyle and additional supplemental recommendations based on your unique needs (herbs, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, ect) will be discussed. I meet you where you are in your journey. 

Session N°3
A follow up session  to review your progress and discuss next steps. (This session will occur within three months of session N° 2.)

TOTAL PRICE 220€ ( 2.5 to 3 hours)

Follow up sessions: 80€ for 1 hour

Hypnose/Somatic Session

RTT Package Session (Rapid Transformation Therapy) 

This service includes:

- an initial session of 45 minutes to understand your history, your symptoms and your expectations.
- a session of 1h30 to 2h00 of RTT (rapid transformation therapy)
- Personalized audio to listen to for a minimum of 21 days
- A follow-up session of 30 minutes after 21 days.

One RTT session may be sufficient, but a second or third RTT session may be necessary. It will depend on a case by case basis. Coaching/therapy sessions may be recommended before a session (in case of deep trauma to help regulate the nervous system), and after. 

Price 250€ (3 to 3.5 hours in total)

Follow-up session: 80€ for 1 hour

 Coaching/Therapy Session

These sessions are offered either before or after an RTT session or as isolated therapy. I have a variety of therapeutic tools that I use according to your current needs such as hypnosis, somatic experience, attachment theory, polyvagal theory, meditation.

Price 80 €, duration 1h to 1.5 h

Personalized Program

3 month or 6 month program

During the discovery session we will be able to discuss your needs and see the program that will best suit you. The program can include a mix of naturopathic/nutrition sessions and therapies (hypnosis, RTT, somatic). The price of follow-up sessions is decreasing in addition to continuous follow-up.

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